• 正在播放心慌慌-HD
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  • 8.0HD苗岭诡事刘冠麟 赵达 梁颂晴
  • 8.0HDFPS道本成美,泉知束,米澤成美,南久松真奈,岩永ひひお
  • 7.0HD人工中字恶魔之浴安雅·普拉施格,玛利亚·霍夫斯塔尔,达维德·沙伊德,Tim Valerian Alberti,Elias Schützenhofer
  • 8.0HD神秘窥视达科塔·范宁,乔治娜·坎贝尔,奥利弗·芬尼根,欧文·弗热瑞,希欧布罕·休莱特,阿利斯泰尔·布拉默,Hannah Howland,Seán T. ó Meallaigh,安东尼·莫里斯,Shane O'Regan,Jacob Greenway,Adam Ashford,Charles Mann,Emily Dargan,Jim Tighe,Charles Camrose,Hannah Dargan,
  • 5.0HD悬案追凶马浚伟,杨思琦,于洋,欧锦棠,罗冠兰,邓一君,罗乐林
  • 8.0HD人工中字巴尔的摩汤姆-沃恩-劳勒,Lewis Brophy,Jack Meade


  • 心慌慌剧情介绍

Not long after John Chambers and his family arrive at their new home in a small country town of Pennsylvania, John begins to experience sleep paralysis. Lying there paralyzed, trapped within his own nightmare, other-worldly beings visit John. They are entities which exist in the darkest shadows of the night and can only be seen out of the corner of one's eye. These encounters begin to haunt John, transforming to plete terror as he discovers the entities' sole purpose... the abduction of his seven year old son. In the end, John will uncover the town's horrific secret, a portal on his land, and make one last attempt to save his son before the shadow people permanently take him away to their world.

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